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Installation Instructions for Coreflux hubless (no user interface)

This document provides comprehensive and precise instructions for installing Coreflux on Linux systems and Windows. It includes three methods: standard installation, installation through the broker in live mode, and a manual daemon setup in case the standard installation fails.


For 64-bit Systems (x64)

Coreflux MQTT Broker in X64 Linux is compatible with various Linux distributions:

  1. Ubuntu
  2. Debian
  3. Fedora
  4. CentOS
  5. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  6. openSUSE
  7. Arch Linux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wget unzip
sudo mkdir /opt/coreflux
sudo wget
sudo unzip -d /opt/coreflux
sudo chmod +x /opt/coreflux/CorefluxCentral

For ARM Systems

unzip -d Coreflux
sudo mv Coreflux /opt/coreflux
chmod +x /opt/coreflux/CorefluxCentral
sudo /opt/coreflux/CorefluxCentral -I

For ARM 64 Systems

Coreflux MQTT Broker in ARM64 Linux is compatible with various Linux distributions:

  1. Ubuntu for ARM
  2. Debian ARM64
  3. Fedora ARM
  4. Arch Linux ARM
  5. openSUSE ARM
  6. Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian)
  7. CentOS ARM64
unzip -d Coreflux
sudo mv Coreflux /opt/coreflux
chmod +x /opt/coreflux/CorefluxCentral
sudo /opt/coreflux/CorefluxCentral -I

Installing Through the MQTT Broker Live

  1. Run CorefluxCentral with Administrative Rights:

    sudo ./CorefluxCentral

  2. Connect to the Broker:

  3. Use your MQTT client to connect to the broker where Coreflux is active.

  4. Publish the Installation Command:

  5. Publish the -I command to the appropriate topic based on your OS and architecture. For example, for a 64-bit Linux machine:

Manual Daemon Setup

  1. Create a Systemd Service File:

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/corefluxcentral.service

  2. Add Service Configuration:

  3. Insert the following content into the file:

    Description=CorefluxCentral Service

  4. Enable and Start the Service:

  5. Reload systemd, enable, and start the CorefluxCentral service.
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable corefluxcentral
    sudo systemctl start corefluxcentral


Accessing the Command Line

  1. Press Win + S to open the search dialog.
  2. Type cmd and choose Run as administrator

Installing Coreflux

  1. Place the downloaded file from in your desired location.
  2. Open a command line as an administrator.
  3. Navigate to the directory where the file was placed:
    cd path\to\downloaded
  4. To install Coreflux as a Windows service:
    CorefluxCentral -I


Make sure to replace \path\to\downloaded with the actual path where the CorefluxCentral file is located on your system.

Installing Through the Broker

  1. Ensure CorefluxCentral is running with administrative rights.
  2. Open your MQTT client and connect to the broker where Coreflux is active.
  3. Publish the -I command to the appropriate topic based on your OS and architecture. For example, for a 64-bit Windows machine, the topic would be $SYS/Win-x64/Shell or $SYS/Win-x64/Command.

Manual Service Installation

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory where CorefluxCentral is located.
  3. Use the sc command to create a new service:
    sc create CorefluxCentral binPath= "c:\path\to\CorefluxCentral"
  4. Start the service:
    sc start CorefluxCentral
  5. Configure the service to automatically restart on failure: ```bash