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Asset installation and configuration

In this section, we detail the process of purchasing, installing, and managing an asset. Follow these steps to efficiently set up your assets within the Coreflux system.

Logging into Your Account

To begin, you must log in to your Coreflux account. Here's how to access your account:

  1. Navigate to the Navbar: Locate and click on the avatar button in the top-right corner.
  2. Initiate Login/Signup: Click the 'Login / Signup' button. This action will redirect you to the Authentication Coreflux page.

  3. Choose Your Login Method: You have three options to log in:

    • Use your Google credentials.
    • Use your GitHub credentials.
    • Use an email address.
  4. Creating a New Account: If you do not have an account, click on the Create One label. Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

After successfully logging in, you will be automatically redirected back to the Hub

Asset List

Once you have successfully logged into your Coreflux Account, ensure you are connected to the appropriate Coreflux MQTT broker where you intend to install assets. If you are not connected to the right broker, you will not be able to proceed with the installation.

  • Accessing the Asset List: Navigate to the "My Broker" page. Here, you can view the asset list by clicking the plus (+) button located beneath the log button.

  • Alternatively, visit the 'Asset Store': Click on the Check the Available Asset List button to view and select from available assets.

In both the "Broker's Assets" page and the "Asset Store," you will find a list of available assets for installation, along with information on upcoming assets that will soon be available.

You will encounter four fields in the asset list:

  • Assets: Displays the name of each asset.
  • Assets in Account: Shows the assets you currently own, indicating those you have purchased.
  • Assets Available to Install: Lists assets that have not yet been installed in any broker and are ready for use when needed.
  • Add More Assets: This field allows you to install an asset you already own or purchase new ones. The install button will be disabled if no assets are available for installation. Clicking the buy option will direct you to the Stripe payment page.

To install an asset, click on the Install Asset button. A popup will appear displaying the asset's name and a description of its features.

Click on the Install Asset button to begin the installation process. Once the installation is complete, a confirmation popup will appear to notify you of the successful setup.

When you are on the "Asset Store" page and initiate an asset installation, you will be automatically redirected to the "Broker's Assets" page. If you open the list here, it will simply close itself. After installation, the new asset will be visible in this list.

Asset management

In asset management! You'll learn how to properly configure, run, stop, and uninstall assets, as well as how to check their logs. Let's get started.


To start, configuring your asset is recommended. Simply click on the three dots on the left side of the asset’s box to open the configuration tab.

Initial Configuration

If you are accessing the configuration for the first time, a default configuration will automatically be created for the asset. This setup initializes the fields necessary to begin managing the asset effectively.

Dynamic Field Loading

The configuration fields are dynamically loaded based on the specific asset. If you require detailed information about these fields, it is recommended to consult the documentation for the asset you are configuring.

At the top of the page, you will see the name of the asset. If you have assigned a custom name, it will be displayed; otherwise, the default system name appears. Additionally, you will find the IP address of the Coreflux broker where the asset is installed. On the page, you'll find the current status of the asset (either Paused or Running) along with a button to start or resume the asset.

Below, you will find three tabs: Configure, Tags, and Logs:

  • Configure: This is the default tab that opens when you access the configuration page. It provides all necessary information for setting up and managing the asset.
  • Tags: Here, you can efficiently manage all the asset's tags. Options include adding new tags, deleting existing ones, duplicating tags, and modifying tag details.
  • Logs: This tab displays all the logs related to the asset, allowing you to monitor its activity and troubleshoot issues based on log entries.

Import and Export Configuration

At the top of the section, you will find two essential buttons: Import Config and Export Config.

  • Import Config: This option allows you to upload a custom configuration file in JSON format for the selected asset. To ensure the correct configuration is loaded, the filename should include the system name of the asset. For instance, to import a configuration for the MSSQLMQTT asset, the filename should be coreflux_mssqlmqtt.json. Note that configurations uploaded this way are not automatically saved.
  • Export Config: This button enables you to download the current configuration of your asset in a JSON file format. It is important to remember that the export will reflect the last saved configuration in the broker. For example, if a field initially had the value A and you changed it to B but did not save this change, the exported file will still show the value A.

Tags management

To manage the asset's tags, navigate to the Tags tab.

On this page, you'll find a list of all existing tags displayed on the left side. Each tag is accompanied by its respective fields and values. Below are the actions you can perform:

  • Duplicate a Tag: To create a copy of a selected tag, click the Duplicate button. The duplicated tag will be named in the format <namefield>-copy.
  • Delete a Tag: To remove a tag, click the trash can icon next to the tag you wish to delete.
  • Add a New Tag: Click the Add New Tag button to create a new tag. The necessary fields will be populated based on the current configuration settings.

To confirm and save any changes made, click the Save Tag button.

Asset's Log Viewer

This section allows you to view all activity logs associated with the asset. You can also export these logs for analysis or record-keeping purposes in a JSON file format.

You can filter logs by type to quickly find specific issues or events:

  • Information: Logs that provide general feedback or operational messages.
  • Warning: Logs that indicate potential issues that may not immediately affect performance.
  • Error: Logs that report significant issues which could affect functionality.
  • Fatal: Logs that indicate severe problems causing the system to crash or function improperly.

Additionally, use the search bar to filter logs by entering a keyword or value. This will display only the logs containing that specific value in their messages.

To reset and view all logs, you can either click the All Issues button or the Clear Current Search Filters button.

Asset's General Usage

Once you have configured the asset, you are ready to begin using it.

Within the asset's interface, you will notice several elements:

  • Status Indicator: Located in the right corner, showing whether the asset is active or inactive.
  • Control Buttons: These include options to configure (Config), activate (Play), and remove (Uninstall) the asset.
  • Naming Options: The asset's default system name is displayed along with a pencil icon. Click on this icon to assign a custom name to your asset.

To personalize the asset, simply click the pencil button and enter your preferred name.

Asset Status Overview

  • Running: Indicates the asset is actively functioning.
  • Paused: Shows that the asset's operations are temporarily halted.
  • Warning: Suggests potential issues that may not immediately disrupt the asset’s operations but should be monitored.
  • Error: Signals a significant problem that has likely stopped the asset from functioning correctly.

In typical usage, you will most often see the asset in either the Paused or Running state.

Managing Asset Operations

To Start the Asset:

  • Click the Play button. If the asset starts successfully, the status will update to Running.

To Stop the Asset:

  • Click on the green button to pause or stop the asset. This action will change its status to Paused

Uninstalling the Asset

To uninstall the asset:

  1. Ensure you are logged into your Coreflux account. If you are not logged in, a pop-up error will appear.
  2. Click the Trash Can button to initiate the uninstallation process.
  3. Once the process completes, a confirmation pop-up will confirm that the asset has been successfully removed.

Coreflux MQTT Broker's log

Look for the Log Viewer icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen, just above the plus button. Click on this icon to view all logs associated with the Coreflux MQTT Broker.

The Log Viewer for the Coreflux MQTT Broker offers the same functionalities as the asset's log viewer, such as exporting and filtering logs. The primary difference lies in the content of the logs, which specifically pertains to the operations and events of the Coreflux MQTT Broker.

You can see this video which explains this process: