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Communication Monitoring with Coreflux


In the vast realm of IoT, communication is the foundation that ensures seamless interaction between devices. Coreflux's communication monitoring is designed to provide a secure, efficient, and reliable communication framework. This is achieved by integrating directly with the operating system of the device, allowing Coreflux to have a comprehensive view of all communications, irrespective of the underlying system.


  • For Large Enterprises: With an extensive network of devices and connections, large enterprises can:
  • Monitor all UDP/TCP activities in real-time, ensuring that unauthorized behaviors are immediately detected and rectified.
  • Seamlessly integrate Coreflux as the backend solution for their platform, be it cloud, edge, or hybrid, ensuring a unified communication protocol.

  • For Small Businesses: The scale might be different, but the importance of secure communication is the same. With Coreflux, small businesses can:

  • Keep an eye on all communication activities, ensuring that data integrity is maintained at all times.
  • Use Coreflux as the backbone of their IoT solution, ensuring that as they grow, their communication infrastructure scales with them.

Technical Deep Dive

System Compatibility

Coreflux is designed to be versatile and can integrate with a variety of operating systems. Here's how Coreflux identifies the system it's running on:

  • Windows:
  • 64-bit: Win-x64
  • 32-bit: Win-x86
  • ARM: Win-Arm
  • ARM64: Win-Arm64

  • MacOS:

  • OSX-x64

  • Linux:

  • 64-bit: Linux-x64
  • ARM: Linux-Arm
  • ARM64: Linux-Arm64

Using this identification, Coreflux tailors its communication monitoring to the specificities of the system, ensuring optimal performance and security.

UDP/TCP Activity Monitoring

For each detected system, Coreflux provides detailed insights into both UDP and TCP activities:

  • Active Listeners:
  • UDP: $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/UDP/Listeners
  • TCP: $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/Listeners

These topics provide a full list of active listeners, ensuring you're aware of all communication endpoints.

  • New Listeners:
  • UDP: $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/UDP/Listeners/New
  • TCP: $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/Listeners/New

Any new listener is immediately reported, allowing for real-time monitoring and potential threat detection.

  • Active Connections:
  • TCP: $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections

This topic provides a real-time view of all active TCP connections, ensuring you're always aware of who's communicating with your data hub.

For instance, a sample JSON from $SYS/Linux-x64/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections might look like:

    "State": "Established",
    "LocalEndPoint": "",
    "RemoteEndPoint": ""
    "State": "Established",
    "LocalEndPoint": "",
    "RemoteEndPoint": ""
    "State": "Established",
    "LocalEndPoint": "",
    "RemoteEndPoint": ""

From the above data, we can infer:

  • There are three active TCP connections.
  • All connections are in the "Established" state, indicating active and stable connections.
  • The local endpoint for all connections is, which might be the central Coreflux server.
  • The remote endpoints are different devices or services communicating with the Coreflux server.

For listeners:


From this data:

  • There are three active listeners.
  • Two listeners are set up for MQTT communication on port 1883, one for IPv4 ( and another for IPv6 (::).
  • One listener is set up for HTTP communication on port 80 for IPv6.

Behavior Analysis

Behavior analysis in Coreflux is a proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential security and operational threats. By continuously monitoring communication patterns and comparing them against predefined rules or baselines, Coreflux can detect anomalies and take appropriate actions.


Coreflux's topics can be seamlessly integrated into your applications, systems, or solutions. This ensures that Coreflux not only monitors but also communicates with your entire IoT ecosystem, making it the backbone of your platform, whether it's cloud, edge, or hybrid.

Example: Detecting Unauthorized Connections

Let's consider a scenario where you have a set of known devices that are authorized to communicate with your Coreflux server. Any connection attempt from an unknown device or IP address can be considered suspicious.

  1. Setting a Baseline: First, you would establish a list of known and authorized IP addresses or device IDs. This list serves as your baseline.

  2. Monitoring Active Connections: Coreflux continuously monitors the $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections topic to track all active TCP connections.

    Sample data from the topic:
        "State": "Established",
        "LocalEndPoint": "",
        "RemoteEndPoint": ""
        "State": "Established",
        "LocalEndPoint": "",
        "RemoteEndPoint": ""
        "State": "Established",
        "LocalEndPoint": "",
        "RemoteEndPoint": ""
  3. Anomaly Detection:

    We would need to extract the RemoteEndPoint from the payload and then compare it against a list of authorized endpoints, which could be read from a file. Here's a conceptual example using the Coreflux DSL:

    ON MQTT_TOPIC $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections
    PARSE payload AS json
    EXTRACT RemoteEndPoint FROM json TO remote_ip
    READ_FILE "authorized_endpoints.txt" TO authorized_endpoints
    IF remote_ip NOT_IN authorized_endpoints THEN
        PUBLISH alert_topic WITH "Unauthorized connection detected from IP: {remote_ip}"
    END IF
    In this Flux script:
    - We're listening to the `$SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections` topic.
    - We parse the incoming payload as JSON.
    - We extract the `RemoteEndPoint` value from the JSON payload and store it in the `remote_ip` variable.
    - We then read the list of authorized endpoints from a file named `authorized_endpoints.txt`.
    - If the `remote_ip` is not in our list of `authorized_endpoints`, we publish an alert to the `alert_topic`.
    Note: The above Coreflux DSL is in early conceptual example and might suffer adjustments  on the actual capabilities of the syntax of the Flux language.
  4. Taking Action:

    Once an anomaly is detected, Coreflux can help in several actions:
    - **Alert**: Notify system administrators about the unauthorized connection attempt.
    - **Log**: Record the unauthorized connection attempt for further analysis.
    - **Block**: If configured, Coreflux can block the IP address to prevent further communication attempts.
        Here's how you can achieve this using the Coreflux DSL:
        ON MQTT_TOPIC $SYS/{DetectedOS}/Comms/TCP/ActiveConnections
        PARSE payload AS json
        EXTRACT RemoteEndPoint FROM json TO remote_ip
        READ_FILE "authorized_endpoints.txt" TO authorized_endpoints
        IF remote_ip NOT_IN authorized_endpoints THEN
            // Alert
            PUBLISH alert_topic WITH "Unauthorized connection detected from IP: {remote_ip}"
            // Log
            WRITE_TO_FILE "unauthorized_connections.log" TEXT "Unauthorized connection from {remote_ip} at {current_time}"
            // Block (optional provided by command line asset installed)
            EXECUTE "" WITH_ARGS "{remote_ip}"
            // Raise a siren on a real device
            PUBLISH siren_topic WITH "Activate"
        END IF
        In this extended Flux script:
        - After detecting an unauthorized IP, we publish an alert to the `alert_topic`.
        - We log the unauthorized connection in a file named `unauthorized_connections.log`.
        - Optionally, we execute a script named `` to block the IP address. This script would contain the necessary commands to block the IP at the network level.
        - We then publish a message to the `siren_topic` to activate a siren on a real device, alerting on-site personnel.
  5. Review and Update:

    It's essential to periodically review the baseline list and the detected anomalies. This ensures that the system adapts to legitimate changes (like adding a new device) while staying vigilant against potential threats.

By implementing such behavior analysis, Coreflux ensures that only authorized devices can communicate with the system, enhancing the security and integrity of the entire IoT ecosystem.


Communication is the lifeblood of IoT, and with Coreflux's advanced monitoring capabilities, you're always in control. By providing a granular view of every connection, every message, and every behavior, Coreflux ensures that your IoT ecosystem is not just functional but also secure and efficient. Whether you're a tech giant or a budding startup, Coreflux's communication monitoring is the tool you need to stay ahead in the IoT game.